Friday, July 5, 2013

BEC presents beads-N-thangz...Let's Talk About Talismans

The Egiptian Ankh

Stones for each Chakra Center

Semi Precious Stones

Let's talk about Talismans. Why? Beecause Eye Care.

You might bee asking, "What does this topic have to do with recycling?"

Literally, there is nothing new under the sun and we are still recycling old belief systems. We just keep updating them with modern twists. No, eye'm not getting ready to be spooky or Religious.

Our planet grows alot of the things that talismans are made from.  Yes, right down to the very precious and semi precious woods, petrified tree saps, minerals and stones.  Our planet grew these things or make these things to protect itself and its oldest inhabitants--PLANT/ANIMAL LIFE.

The crystal caves deep within our planets crust
houses large crystals that are generators, i.e., Amplifiers.  These stones were put in the breast plates of priests and many of our ancient temples are made from them ground up. 
National Geographic

Fact is, there is sum.thing to everything. Protection.  We must protect our greatest talisman and that is OUR PLANET EARTH.  It has many cultural references.  We must learn to recycle and live with our planet in unity and harmony.
BEC is very mindful about everything that is used for its d'signs.
Let's all strive to become more Eco Friendly.

Until next time.  Keep discovering and REdiscovering the JOYs of REcycling!

BEC D'signer
Net-Hetep Ta'Nesert

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Net-Hetep Ta'Nesert BEC D'signer