Monday, July 15, 2013

How Does Your Gardens Grow?

Miss Honey's Garden wrist cuff

When our family was growing up in Oklahoma City, OK times were truly hard.  However, our mother never let those times diminish her joy for being a country woman. She kept right on having chickens in her backyard alongside of planting fruits, vegetables and flowers.  Our step-father named her Miss Honey.
Miss Honey's Garden wrist cuff
She would go so far as to drive around to vacant lots where she had eyed some flowers growing and would pull the car over, pop her trunk and out would come a shovel; and Yes! it was on.  No way was she gonna let those beautiful flowers die in a vacant lot.  It was embracing at first! 
Yet, I remember sitting outside with her and while she was sharing some of that ol' time wisdom with me, those aromas and colors of her garden I swear would become her amen choir.
This Eco-friendly handmade wrist cuff is dedicated to our Miss Honey.  It's made with love and flexible floral wire.  16 gauge wire and FAB'ric and PA!per beads also are growing inside of this wrist cuff.  Not to mention some of that good ol' time wisdom that never fails.

I pray that each one of us remembers this and from time to time ask ourselves.  "How does our gardens grow?"

Backside of Miss Honey's Garden wrist cuff
Until next time, keep on REdiscovering the JOYS of REcycling.


Net-Hetep Ta'Nesert BEC D'signer

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Net-Hetep Ta'Nesert BEC D'signer