Friday, July 26, 2013

Paper Beading in Gulu, Uganda- Paper Bead Works

The idea of recycling is being and has been done for a long time all around the world.  Sometimes situations occur that force us into a reality of recycling in order to sustain ourselves, families and communities. In order to help those in foreign countries who find themselves in this type of situation due to tribal wars (Lord's Resistance Army) and foreign wars many people in far away places are starting businesses to help those most affected by these tragedies.

While I was buzzing around on the internet looking for paper and fabric craft ideas, I stumbled upon a video of Lacan Kwite Beaders from Gulu, Uganda who are afraid to return to their farms and lands because of the Lord's Resistance Army; and the company whose helping them to rebuild their lives and communities by exporting the paper beads that the Lacan Kwite bead makers.

Paper Bead Works is located in Canada is committed to sustainable products and the partnership that they have formed with the Lacan Kwite bead makers of Gulu, Uganda.  85% of the profits made from the Lacan Kwite tribe is returned to them.

Please click on the link to Paper Bead Works to read, "The Story of Paper Beads Works."

As always, keep Rediscovering and discovering the Joys of Recycling.

peace/good fortune
BEC D'signer Net-Hetep Ta'Nesert
PA!per beads by BEC D'signer

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


How important are bees to our Eco System?

Truly, this is BEE-coming a very delicate situation.  We share this planet with various types of species, each one has a very important purpose.  Have you ever thought about that?

Most people when you say the word 'bee' all they can think of is either, flowers, honey, stinger and something to avoid.  They are the ultimate pollinators.  The particular bee of importance here is the bumblebee.   Bumble bees are reported to be very gentle.  I remember one landed on my lap once, sat there for a moment and then as if to say 'excuse me-my bad' it flew away.  Its gentle landing didn't startle me, so I just sat there and watched it so as not to frighten it and risk being stung.

In an experiment conducted in Colorado, the scientist discovered that some bees when it comes to pollinating flowers are monogamist which is better for the particular types of flowers that they are faithful to.   Flower Fidelity is the term used. 
How funny is that?
These flowers tend to grow better and produce more seeds while other bees that are more promiscuous in their nature, the flowers they service are less likely to germinate well.

This part reminds me of the song by the late great singer, 'Marvin Gaye's What's Goin' On' when he sings about flowers not growing.  If our bumble bee master pollinators species continue to diminish, this is exactly what we all will be singing, and won't all the occasions that we use flowers for be boring without them.  It might save men more money in the long run (lol).

What does this have to do with recycling? Guess.
They spread the seeds of those flowers from place to place so that we can enjoy the beauty of a flower that normally grows in Colorado in uncommon places.
Recycling things whatever they are and turning them into something useful and or something beautiful continues to give new life to old things.
One thing for sure is that we are all in this together.  So, please let's all do our parts.

Until next time.  Keep Rediscovering and discovering the Joys of Recycling.

peace/good fortune
Net-Hetep Ta'Nesert, BEC D'signer

Monday, July 22, 2013

Recycling Crafts are Endless and Fun!

Paper Alice How to Make Homemade Paper

Recycling crafts are endless and fun! There are so many things we can with paper and Junk Mail.  Now there is a way to truly recycle our junk mail and turn it into something amazing.
Not only is recycling crafts endless, they help us to reduce our carbon imprint.  Imagine if enough of us started recycling our junk mail and other paper items that we plan to trash, our land fills would over time began to decrease. Working with our hands can be so a rewarding thing.  Our planet will love us for it. 
So, look around the house for those magazines, junk mail and other paper items that you plan to throw away and get busy recycling them.  Make some conversation pieces to put out and about your home or give as an unusual gift.

Until next time, keep Rediscovering and discovering the Joy in Recycling!

peace/good fortune
BEC D'signer Net-Hetep Ta'Nesert

Monday, July 15, 2013

How Does Your Gardens Grow?

Miss Honey's Garden wrist cuff

When our family was growing up in Oklahoma City, OK times were truly hard.  However, our mother never let those times diminish her joy for being a country woman. She kept right on having chickens in her backyard alongside of planting fruits, vegetables and flowers.  Our step-father named her Miss Honey.
Miss Honey's Garden wrist cuff
She would go so far as to drive around to vacant lots where she had eyed some flowers growing and would pull the car over, pop her trunk and out would come a shovel; and Yes! it was on.  No way was she gonna let those beautiful flowers die in a vacant lot.  It was embracing at first! 
Yet, I remember sitting outside with her and while she was sharing some of that ol' time wisdom with me, those aromas and colors of her garden I swear would become her amen choir.
This Eco-friendly handmade wrist cuff is dedicated to our Miss Honey.  It's made with love and flexible floral wire.  16 gauge wire and FAB'ric and PA!per beads also are growing inside of this wrist cuff.  Not to mention some of that good ol' time wisdom that never fails.

I pray that each one of us remembers this and from time to time ask ourselves.  "How does our gardens grow?"

Backside of Miss Honey's Garden wrist cuff
Until next time, keep on REdiscovering the JOYS of REcycling.


Net-Hetep Ta'Nesert BEC D'signer

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Pass Me Ah Note Collection presents What Did U Say Rings

What Did U Say Rings by BEC D'signer Net-Hetep Ta'Nesert

Everybody has sum.thing to say.  So why not speak your mind with fun, style and eco-friendly custom made wearable accessories?
You're probably familiar with most of these abbreviations.  Do you know what FBJ stands for?
Well, get ready for this 'bee'cause it stands for- FACEBOOK JUNKIE!

They all are a burst of brilliant colors that will surely catch everyone's eyes especially is you're expressive with your hands like eye am.
 Oh, my God!

 Kiss and Do you

They are silver plated adjustable bands.
Kiss is also made from a "look it's ah' flyin' saucer" PA!per bead and is an affordable $15.
All of the others are just $10 each.  They can be purchased from my website: BeeCause EYE Care FAB'PA!beads-N-thangz.
There's even a cute lil' feng shui turtle in the mix.

Collect them all today and say what you mean.

Meanwhile, continue to REdiscover the JOYS in REcycling!

BEC D'signer
Net-Hetep Ta'Nesert

Friday, July 5, 2013

BEC presents beads-N-thangz...Let's Talk About Talismans

The Egiptian Ankh

Stones for each Chakra Center

Semi Precious Stones

Let's talk about Talismans. Why? Beecause Eye Care.

You might bee asking, "What does this topic have to do with recycling?"

Literally, there is nothing new under the sun and we are still recycling old belief systems. We just keep updating them with modern twists. No, eye'm not getting ready to be spooky or Religious.

Our planet grows alot of the things that talismans are made from.  Yes, right down to the very precious and semi precious woods, petrified tree saps, minerals and stones.  Our planet grew these things or make these things to protect itself and its oldest inhabitants--PLANT/ANIMAL LIFE.

The crystal caves deep within our planets crust
houses large crystals that are generators, i.e., Amplifiers.  These stones were put in the breast plates of priests and many of our ancient temples are made from them ground up. 
National Geographic

Fact is, there is sum.thing to everything. Protection.  We must protect our greatest talisman and that is OUR PLANET EARTH.  It has many cultural references.  We must learn to recycle and live with our planet in unity and harmony.
BEC is very mindful about everything that is used for its d'signs.
Let's all strive to become more Eco Friendly.

Until next time.  Keep discovering and REdiscovering the JOYs of REcycling!

BEC D'signer
Net-Hetep Ta'Nesert