Friday, June 21, 2013

Huuuuuuuuu Reeeeeeeeeeeeee! Summer SOUL-stice is here!

Let's CELL-ebRAte!!!

Finally!  We give thanks for the REturn of the sun's warm rays to nourish our winter frozen bodies. In actuality everyone knows that the earth moves closer to the sun-SO GET REady FOR THE HEAT!
Now, the other significant thing is that we are now prime candidates for being RECYCLED from the warm, resurrecting rays from the sun penetrating through the surface of our skin to speak to our cells.
When this happens, most of us who do enjoy the sun feel more enlivened.

While walking out in the afternoon sun when it had reached its zenith, my senses of sacredness were excited and filled with new inspiration of ideas of how to recycle FAB'ric and PA!per.  Guess what?  Eye even got a 'bee'autiful notion to create and mix recycled thangz with thangz from nature.  You all will see!

So, get outside and enjoy the golden rays of the Sun. 
Don't forget to keep, "Discovering the Joy in REcycling!."

Peace/Hapi Sunshine!

Net-Hetep Ta'Nesert
BEC D'signer

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Net-Hetep Ta'Nesert BEC D'signer