Monday, August 5, 2013

The Lacan Kwite Paper Bead Makers gets more outside HELP-LET'S CELEBRATE!!!


Can Deg Nyeko

(Poverty hates jealousy)

I am continuing to follow the Lacan Kwite people of Northern Uganda. If you haven’t read my previous blog, now might be a good time to head on over to it first, READ IT—and then come back.  I only suggest this so that we all can be on the same page.  There’s no fascination here on my part with them. It’s passion, love, care and my concern about my Afrikan family abroad. Yes, I love humanity and all of its various ethnicities.
My religion, if I must flaunt one is the RELIGION OF CARING and it encompasses ALL of life, and what’s in it for the most part–I have an affinity with serpents BUT! they are frightening to me-lol!
Now, where were we? Oh, yes–while buzzing around on the net and looking for sweet things to blog about, I came across another organization who is also helping the Lacan Kwite people beside Paper Beads Work.  

YES! I have order’d some of their paper bead jewelry and Afrikan Stars; and I am soooooo excited!  I know that when they arrive, I’m going to just love them and what they stand for to me. So, please visit these websites and order some of their beautiful paper bead jewelry–Thanks!
The BOA–I know, it’s a type of serpent :)   Well it still caught my attention after reading what BOA stands for . . . BEADS OF AWARNESS!  So that is who we are celebrating today for being a solution (SOUL-ution) to some of the ills humanity is struggling through due to greed for power and other motives of governments; and alien forces.

Beads of Awareness operates along the guidelines of fair market trade values:

"All our jewelry is made with recycled paper. We purchase our earrings, necklaces and bracelets from artisans according to fair-trade practices, which helps to support micro-finance initiatives and social responsibility across the globe."


The BOA like Paper Beads Work are lending more than a helping hand. Both organizations are portals for the Lacan Kwite women, female elders and young girls to become self sustaining, and self sufficient again.  Most people only need a helping hand Up and a means to resources that aren’t being provided for them.  Like the God Father of Soul would sing about, “I DON’T WANT NOBODY GIVING ME NOTHING. OPEN UP THE DOOR AND I WILL GET IT MYSELF.”

This is exactly what is happening for the Lacan Kwite women of Northern Uganda. These organizations are opening up the doors for these paper bead makers over here in America, Canada and other foreign countries to sell their paper beads.  The KLEOS group is also teaching them about micro financing and accept donations for their organization in order to continue being able to help people like the Lacan Kwite women which in turns helps them to have a means for better education for their children, food, housing and many of the basic necessities in life that we call the pursuits of HAPPINESS.
I only wish more of our own Afrikan Independent Groups were about doing the same thing. Many are and want to be but it always comes down to Leadership, Organization, and who’s controlling the treasury.
One of my passions is to duplicate what these organizations are already doing. I’m not about to try to reinvent the wheel.  Some things are worth just duplicating like CARING and LOVING.
Well, that’s it for now and as always, Rediscover or Discover the Joys in Recycling!
Until next time . . .PEACE/GOOD FORTUNE TO ALL
BEC D’signer Net-Hetep Ta’Nesert

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Net-Hetep Ta'Nesert BEC D'signer